Everything You Know About The Healthiest Water to Drink
What is The healthiest water to drink One of the main rules of health and nutrition is to drink adequate amounts of water. The question is what is the healthiest water to drink? According to research, our body can survive weeks without any food, yet will only last a few days without water. It is […]
Tannins In Your Groundwater? What You Need to Know
Tannins in Groundwater Any rural homeowner will tell you the challenges they encounter when using well water. Most city residents get their water supply through government-regulated facilities responsible for the quality and safety of their water. Anyone with a home that uses water supplied by a well is directly responsible for regulating and treating their […]
What You Need To Know About Manganese
All you need to know about manganese Manganese is a naturally occurring mineral in the environment, and it’s also a very abundant metal found in water, soil, air, and on the earth’s surface. Human activities like industrial discharges and mining have caused manganese to spread to both surface water and groundwater though in some cases, […]
How To Remove Manganese From Your Well Water
How to Remove manganese from your well water Manganese is a mineral that occurs naturally and is usually found in sediment, rocks, and soils. This mineral is beneficial to the body and is found in most vegetables and grains. Though it is essential to nutrition, scientists state that manganese in water is very harmful to […]
Iron In Well Water “The Straight Truth”
The straight truth about iron in well water It is impossible to imagine our lives without water. Water is a necessary element for daily life, whether it’s cooking, showering, washing, or even drinking. Therefore, it’s a problem when water contains unsafe impurities such as high amounts of iron. Iron in well water is a substantial […]
7 Key Points About Using a UV Water Filter?
UV water filters what you need to know Typically, water passes through several tests before it is supplied to our homes. The local municipalities employ different treatment methods to make water fit for use. However, there may be several accidents or leakages that add impurities to the water. For homeowners who use private wells, the […]
UV Purification Systems & How They Work
Why do they make UV Purification Systems for Water? Before it is delivered to our homes, water is typically subjected to a battery of rigorous inspections. This is done so they know what filters have to be put in place to purify the water and make it suitable for consumption. Depending on where you’re located […]
Does Hard Water Ruin Appliances?
Hard Water and Appliances Millions of Canadians have hard water in their residences and places of business. It doesn’t matter which province you live in you will have areas with a light hardness to in some cases very hard water. Hard water can be very harsh and people are always looking to find a means […]
How to Remove Limescale From Your Home
How Provent and Remove Limescale from Your Home One of the drawbacks of having hard water in your home is the formation of calcium carbonate, often known as limescale. Examples of minerals that contribute to the hardness of water are magnesium and calcium ions. As water evaporates, these two minerals are left behind and mixed […]
Soft Water vs Hard Water: What You Need to Know
How Soft and Hard Water Affect Cleaning and Disinfecting Surfaces? If you are someone who places a high value on order and cleanliness, you will be able to detect at a glance whether or not a certain surface in your home has been cleaned. If you have well water you will be able to pick […]